
Stage 2 Hypertension|How To Reducing High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure , hypertension

Stage 2 hypertension or high blood pressure is a lifestyle disorder and it is one  of the most prevalent chronic disease in the world.It can be reduce and come out the whole problem.According to one study, antihypertensive therapy can reduce stroke by 35-40%, heart attack by 20-25%, and heart failure by 50%.Longevity is possible through quality of life and well-being.

The heart is one of the mainstays of the circulatory system or hypertension system.  More than 70 waves per minute pierce the arteries. These draw energy from the heart and create a circular pressure in the arteries.  This stress plays an important role in keeping the human body functioning.

What is the hypertension or blood pressure :

 Hypertension is fluctuates during the contraction of the heart. When the heart contracts, the arteries from the heart pump out and the blood pressure rises.  This is called contractile pressure or systolic pressure, and the blood pressure decreases when the heart beats between double contractions.

when measured by a  blood pressure monitor. The optimal normal blood pressure measurement is  considered  to be  120 /80 mmHg  and the normal upper range of blood pressure is believed to be  fight 135/90 mmHg. when a person shows  blood pressure measurements that are higher the normal upper range this the person is said to have  high blood pressure or hypertension. Blood pressure can prove to be lethal as it can affect normal heart function. Data suggest Shortened life expectancy in patients. Many different factors can contribute to the occurance of the diseases. Still there are some factors that have been found contribute to the  occurrence of the disease. The biggest one obesity and weight gain. These factors play a role to increase the of hypertension. Obesity may  account for 65 to 70  percent of the risk to onset of hypertension.

  It's known as a diastolic pressure.


There are two types of human blood pressure

 (A) systolic pressure

 (B) Diastolic pressure

 These 2 types of pressure are very important.

 These 2 types of pressure are preceded by one.  The measure120 is the systolic on the other hand  80 is the diastolic pressure.

Most Important Number In Blood Pressure:

 Blood pressure is not always the same.Hypertension is low when lying down. When you wake up again, your blood pressure drops.  Pressure changes during the day.  Of course, it is almost the same while working.  Normally, a healthy person should have a blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg. If a person has a blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg or more during old age, then it is considered as high blood pressure.  It is very dangerous.  In this condition, the heart has to work harder to get the blood to the body, and high blood pressure can damage the arteries.

 This can create  problems such as stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, loss of vision, or even premature death or paralysis of normal life. If the blood pressure increase, this incontinence lasts for an entire life.

Sedentary Lifestyle deviod  of physical activity, and they has been termed as a leading  cause for the development of hypertension in most junk food and high sodium intake is also as a act .We can eat   2.5g salt per day and usually.Most junk food contain high quantities of  sodium whice leads to increase sodium load in the body. Therefore junk food should be avoided. Some other factors diabetes, aging, emotional stress and low potassium intake. This all also contribute to increasing the probability of developing hypertension.

Non-pharmacological approch does not involve medication. It mostly pertains to having a active Lifestyle.The aim of such an  active lifestyle is to promote weight loss parents by increasing their physical activity it also involve diet control and stress management. Reduce salt, alcohol and tobacco consumption .

The second approach is a Pharmacological approach. This is a the drugs which used to control high blood pressure.

Lastly most patients find it to change Lifestyle. People get use to leading specific way of life for so many years.

Sphygmoma-nometer to check for high blood pressure.

Sphygmoma-nometer is a high blood pressure checker mechanic.

 How to blood pressure measurement :

The pressure measurement technique is very simple.The pressure equipment on the top of the hand should be well pumped by squeezing the cloth so that the arteries stop moving for a moment. The maximum pressure is the pressure exerted by the heart to contract and send blood to the arteries.

 Now the air is allowed to breathe slowly through the meridian of the closed cap and the heartbeat can be heard through the stethoscope when it is not heard.  It is important to understand that the heart is in a state of decay. At this point, the blood pressure in the arteries reaches its lowest point, which is called the diatolic pressure.

 The unit of measurement of hypertension is mm Hg, which is the height of the column in millimeters. Mercury is used in traditional blood pressure measuring instruments and this unit is used to measure all types of pressure.

 It is very important to have accurate measurements while measuring blood pressure. It is important to follow certain guidelines to get accurate and correct measurements.

 Here are some rules:

 When measuring blood pressure, the eyebrows should be carefully held and the hands should be placed open at the level of the heart towards the front of the abdomen.

 In order to get the correct calculation, you need to use the right size of cloth. 

 The parametric device can be used to measure pressure, as well as electronic monitors, android manometers and so on.

 The Good measure of two times taken at 2 minute intervals should be considered as correct.  If the first 2 measuring instruments show an interval of 5 mmHg than shown, then the measurement should be taken again for double measurement.


Tea, coffee, cold beverages, smoking, and so on. Have to not be eat up half an hour earlier than the measure.

 Adult Blood Pressure Classification:

 There is no cure for hypertension.

 Types of high blood pressure:

 Most people, or about 95%, suffer from hypertension.  This is called primary high blood pressure. There is no obvious reason for this.  On the other hand, some people's blood pressure does not rise.  The exact cause of this inequality is not known. Of course, there may be a genetic cause of this condition.

 Stage II Hypertension:

5 out of each 8 human beings suffer from second-types hypertension .There are specific reasons for this type of problem.  Some other internal diseases can cause this level of blood pressure. Otherwise, some other diseases may have pre-existing symptoms.

 Causes of Secondary Hypertension: 

 Kidney disease for a long time.

 In case of adrenal gland disease.

 If  uses birth control doses.

 If you have thyroid disease.

 Suffering from insomnia for long time.Long-term use of steroid medications, respiratory medications, cocaine and amphetamines.

Stage ii hypertension symptoms :

 Many people with high blood pressure are unaware of the symptoms.  They are not even aware of the problems that have arisen due to this problem. It should be tested regularly after age of 40 years.

The back of the head is headache for 2/3 hours.

 Nasal congestion and smoke within the eyes.

 Another symptom of this problem is the onset of fainting.

Mostly headaches  occur in the morning.

 Hypertension test: 

 Before treating hypertension, the patient undergoes a physical examination by a doctor.  In addition to this, various tests have to be done to find out the effects of high blood pressure on the body.

Blood Pressure testing:

This test is done for blood test, kidney function, electrolyte measurement in the body, cholesterol, diabetes etc.

 An eye examination is achieved to peer if there are any changes inside the blood vessels.

 A chest x-ray is completed to test if the coronary heart muscle is beating.

 Monitor for heart problems through ECG .

Kidney and stomach ultrasound is done. What is the effect of hypertension:

 There are no pre-existing symptoms of hypertension or high blood pressure.This is why it is called silentkiller.If the symptoms of this hypertension are not detected or treated, the blood vessels in the body, the arteries of the heart, brain and kidneys, may become difficult to navigate.  This can lead to damage to the human body in the following ways ...

 The coronary arteries of the body constrict.  This can lead to heart attack and severe chest pain.

The heart may stop beating due to the increase in the size of the heart.

 Tiny bundles can form inside the blood vessels leading to the brain.  This can lead to bleeding and stroke due to rupture of blood vessels.

Compression of the blood vessels in the kidneys can lead to failure.

 Mostly eye problem occur.

 There may be problems with the movement of blood to the abdomen.

High blood pressure can be correct and improved. Every person can come out of this problem. 

 How to reducing high blood pressure:

 Right exercise:

 Among the group of exercise  walking a person should know how to work when to work, how to walking .we should be go to walking before eating food and that little bit brisks working never allow your breath to get fast don't become breath less working nicely.We should everyday walking for 45 minutes if possible in the morning, half an hour in the evening.

Right food:

Food is another measure factor  that  effect your BP. Intaking right food by itself best medicine. Aviod  foods which are in Salt and sugar.  some other foods that are excess in saturated fats like this stuff spicy  stuff , non vegetarian food and stop smoking and drinking.

What are you going to eat :

In every day we should eat sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. It should take four times in a day. It is very beneficial if we eat citrus fruits, pumpkin seeds Spinach and beets.All those are contains nutrients which relaxes blood vessels.Beens and berries are excellent food. These food habit keeps hypertension in control.

Drink 4/5 cups of red tea a day for stroke prevention.  Studies have shown that regular consumption of 4/5 cups of red tea a day prevents fat from accumulating in the arteries. As a result, there is no risk of stroke.

Right motion:

Ultimately every disorder finds its roots in mind. High blood pressure is a psychosmatic disorder. Some common traits are  usually observe when people suffer from hypertension, aggressive behaviour.


Many people nowadays suffer from high blood pressure but it can also affect their diet and lifestyle.

 Four to five servings of raw emblic daily     helps in controlling heart Disease

 Use raw garlic with four to five drops of rice daily .

 High blood pressure in the canal is under   control

 Rauvolfia herb leaves and root juice,

 In the meantime, excessive blood stress   withinside the canal is under check.

Basil leaf juice and raw turmeric juice are very useful.

The juice of 51 ripe caterpillars is regularly used to control hypertension.

 Daily apple cider vinegar helps in controlling high blood pressure.

 Erythrina fusca flower root juice can be taken regularly.

Hypertension can be controlled by diluting two tablespoons of emblic juice mixture.

The juice of black basil leaves mixed with pea is used to control high blood pressure.

 To control high bp eat dry fryer  garlic use time to time

Gotu Kola  or Brahmi vegetable juice can be taken regularly for a few days at a time.

 Arjuna Grind, Triphala, Red Tea, Green Tea This is a great way to get rid of clutter you don't need, but keep it simple.

Soybean meal is a good food for high blood pressure,

It is also beneficial to eat three to four servings of lentils regularly. It is also beneficial to eat the leaves of the bell and eat green leafy vegetables, fruits and small fish.

Emotional states  can increase the blood pressure beyond normal. So  check  emotion and learn to be calm and accept  people as they are person Should  develop the attitude of faith and gratitude. High bp is a serious matter don't take it lightly. If you get affected by high bp for long time, it is going to affect your kidney liver, heart all the vital organs will be affected.

Eating pumpkin reduces high blood pressure.

Pumpkin: - Pumpkin is a fruit that is good for the body and has a sweet / sour taste.

Eating pumpkin reduces high blood pressure.

Reducing high blood pressure

Jackfruit helps to reduce high blood pressure

Stage 2 Hypertension|How To Reducing High Blood Pressure

Guava helps to reduce high blood pressure.This fruit should be eaten once a day to control blood pressure

  These foods to lower your blood pressure.

1. Blueberries and strawberries

2. Bananas

3. Beet juice

4. Dark Chocolate ( min. 70% cocoa )

5. Kiwis

6. Watermelon

7. Oats or Barley

8. Leafy Green Vegetables

9. Garlic

10. Fermented Foods

11. Lentils

12. Natural Yogurt

13. Pomegranates

14. Cinnamon

15. Pistachios

Avoid harmful food for people with high blood pressure :

 The meat of birds or goats should not be eaten at all.

 Oily fish, meat, regular ghee, egg yolks,

Most fried foods, foods that use baking powder, foods made from flour, fermented foods, salt should be eaten sparingly as too much, salt increases the risk of stroke, drowsiness should not be lose.

 This is because these foods can increase high blood pressure and lead to many diseases.

Medical Nutrition for Healthy Heart 

1. Daily 1g Omega 3 fatty acids ( EPA & DHA) from fish oil, / ALA from Chia seeds, flax seeds, 

2. Nuts & seeds : Peanuts, Almonds, Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, papaya seeds 

3. Foods rich in dietary fibers 

Apple ( pectin, Quercetin), Pineapples ( anti inflammatory), Papaya, Jackfruit, Kalonji ( black seeds), 

4. Heart friendly vegetables

Pumpkin, Moringa / drum sticks, Tomatoes, Lauki doodhi, Garlic, Onions, Green leafy vegetables, Lemons

5. Best fruits 

Pomegranate, Apple, watermelon, papaya, Berries especially Awala

6. Best oils 

MCT COCONUT OIL, mustard oil, Rice bran oil 

7. Herbs & spices  that rejuvenate heart and vascular function


Arjuna, Ashwagandha, Brahmi


Turmeric curcumin, Ginger, Garlic, Pudina, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Fenugreek 

Other tips 

👍Exercise at least for 1 hour daily 

👍Drink 10 glasses of water preferably 2 glasses early in the morning and restrict drinking water after 8.30 pm 

👍Lock the kitchen from 8 pm to 7 am for any foods, drinks

👍STOP Smoking, Alcohol, And preferable be vegetarian 

👍100g fresh curd in breakfast is best probiotic support 

That's what is the main role of your heart.

So try and follow the instruction given exercise rightly, eat rightly, and manage your emotion .If we are alert and conscious then we can live a beautiful and happy life.

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