
Blue Sapphire Flowers Medicinal Properties  


Blue sapphire

The flower of blue Sapphire is found in the homes of almost all people. This flower is very fragrant to look at.  This is a herbaceous plant.  White and blue are the two types of invincible flowers.  Both flowers are used for good purposes and their flowers, stalks, leaves, roots and pods are also used medicinally.  It is such a good antioxidant and enhances the body's immune system.Undefeated flowers can be eaten as a tea and made into fat.

 Blue Sapphire medicinal properties :

 1| Undefeated Flower Tea can be used to treat fever, cough, chronic cough, whooping cough, throat poisoning, head poisoning, asthma, insomnia, stress, insanity, anorexia nervosa, hemiplegia and sunburn.

 2|Undefeated tea helps in improving eyesight and relieving high blood pressure.

 3|Goiter can be cured by regular use of one half ounce of white undigested cow fat with one ounce.

 4|In case of snake bites, the root of the blue invincibility is applied on the affected area and can be applied internally. 

5|  Nerve weakness and urinary tract infections, white sapphire root juice with 2 teaspoons of honey should be taken twice a day.

 6|  In case of hysteria, 2 teaspoons of white invincible leaf juice should be taken twice a day.

 7|  In case of hooping cough, infusion of Aparajita Shippire juice should be taken 3 times a day with 25 gms of water.

 8|  The result is a mixture of sugar, honey and Clarified butter to extract the original half-baked amount of blue shippire in the cochlea.

9|Sapphire Aparajita flower juice is mixed with oil and rubbed to stop hair loss.

 10| In case of excessive poisoning, the flower of blue sapphire invincible flower should be rubbed on the nose.

11| In case of urinary incontinence, the juice of sapphire inflorescence with 3 teaspoons of honey is taken twice a day.

 12|Sapphire Undefeated Shipar Juice with 5 gms of Clarified butter and honey for 15 days cures any stomach poison.

We all know about the virtues of sapphire invincibility. Now talk about the benefits of sapphire tea.

 Sapphire invincibility boosts the body's immune system due to its antioxidant properties.

 9|Helps in controlling high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease

 13|Increases eyesight

 14|Increases hair shine, prevents hair loss.

Blue sapphire Tea

Blue sapphire tea relieves stress and unhappiness.The tea contains antioxidants and enhances immunity.

There are two types of invincible flowers, one is white and the other is blue.

Everyone loves a morning cup of tea or an evening cup of tea. Demand for this specialty has grown significantly.

In parallel with the green tea, invincibleflower tea is now used in every home.

Benefits of Sapphire flower tea.

sapphire tea is very beneficial for memory enhancement, strength loss and brain tonic.The tea relieves stress and unhappiness.

 It's contains antioxidants and enhances immunity.

Drinking invincible tea improves eyesight and relieves high blood pressure.

The flower tea relieves insomnia and toxins.

Aparajita tea is used to relieve colds, coughs, asthma and diarrhea.

 In winter, drinking invincible tea relieves cold, fever and cough.

For a beautiful voice, invincible tea should  be taken twice a day.

Drinking invincible tea helps in hair growth, hair shine and hair maturation.

The flower tea enhances skin radiance and relieves dark spots.

It is helps in relieving high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

The sapphire tea gives relief from leucorrhoea and hemorrhage.

The various species of plants stored in nature are medicinal and have brought many benefits to human society.

Read More: 17 Amazing Curry Leaves Benefits For Health

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