
Bravest Extraordinary Person Of The Indian History

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Bravest person of the Indian history

The Mughal emperor's ambition to expand his empire was deeply ingrained in his mind.  As a result, the Mughals expanded their sphere of influence by defeating the emperor of various Indian states in battles.  Kamarupa (Assam) was one of the most invasive kingdoms of the Mughals.Lachit Barpukan, the great person of indian history who bravely defended  Mughal imperialist on the battlefield.

This is a very important time for India in the early 16th century.  During this period, a significant change took place in the political history of India  This is because the Mughals invaded India and established imperialism.  The Mughals are the Muslims of Central Asia  The Mughal Empire was established in India in 1526 AD and was ruled by a number of kings.

 Babar was born in Turkey on February 14, 1483. He was the founder of the Mughal Empire in India.  Babur became the king of Fergana (Uzbekistan) when he was 11 years old.  After ascending the throne, he invaded India to expand the kingdom.  On April 21, 1526, Babar fought with Ibrahim Lodi's army at a place called Panipath in Delhi and Babar ascended the throne of Delhi.  In this way the scope of the monarchy was enlarged.

 The process of heredity and expansion of the kingdom continue.

 In 1658, Aurangzeb ascended the throne and began the process of expansion of the kingdom.

 : Aurangzeb's State Expansion Campaign and Assam Invasion:

 In the end, the Ahoms tried to take advantage of the chaos in the Mughal Empire to end their influence.  At that time the king of Ahom was Jayadhwaj Singh  Aurangzeb ordered the invasion of Assam to subdue Mirjumla Ahoms with the aim of building a huge Mughal empire.

 In December 1661, Mirjumla invaded Assam and first captured Kochbihar.  After that he invaded Assam and captured Gargaon, the capital of Ahom.  But during this time the Mughal army faced many crises.  Finally, the Ahom-Mughal treaty was signed  According to the treaty, which was signed on January 9, 1663, the Mughals had to pay a lot of money, gold and elephants.

Raja ram singh  was supported by a huge 71,000 mughal troops (4,000 troopers, 1,500 gentlemen troopers of the household cavalry of the emperor, 500 imperial gunners, 30,000 infantry, 15,000 archers and infantry and 20,000 cavalry). .On the other hand, Lachat borphukan was fighting the battle with a few thousand soldiers

 The battle of Saraighat, whice was occurred in 1671 was the culmination of many small fights in between the two rival armies. The mughal troops started fighting under Raja ram singh .

 The Patriotism of Bravest Extraordinary Person Lachit Barpukan:

 Death by disease, even if you lose the battle, you will die at the hands of emperor .It is better to die fighting with the enemy who is capture the motherland, said Lachit Barfukan, the great warrior person who came to fight with a sick body.Lachit Barpukan's real name is Lachit Deka  Lachit Barpukan is a motherland-loving patriot . He was able to defeat the powerful Mughal army for the love of the country.  Mahabir Lachit was born in the 17th century in the village of Betioni in Golaghat district of Assam.  His father is Momai Tamuli Barbaruwawho was the ‘Governor’ of the kingdom and also ‘Commander-in-Chief’ of Ahom army under King Pratap Singha during his reign starting from 1603 to 1639. Lachit received military training from an early age and joined the Ahom King Jayadhvaj Singha (1648-1663) as a scarf-bearer.

 The Assamese army had to leave Guwahati, Kajalimukh, Chhamdharagad, Kaliabar and Lakhaugad without fighting.  Mir Jumla easily captured Gadgaon  During the rainy season, God took the opportunity to attack the Mughals with an army.  However, the Mughal army was forced to die in the epidemic and Mir Jumla proposed a treaty.  In the treaty, Assam came under Mughal rule and the rest was ruled by the Mughals. Mir Jumla left Assam.  Emperor(Sargadeow) was to be sent to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb with captive-daughter, elephant, wealth and gold. Mughal emperor Aurangzeb sent a gift of cap where attached foot print . That Ahom king badly hurts and challenge to defeat mughals.

 Ahom king try to find brevest commander who lead the war . In the time Ahom emperor was fascinated by Lachit's bravest and patriotism. Lachit was the youngest son of Momai Tamuli Barbaruwa.  In order to repel the Mughals, Lachit was given the title of 'Barfukan' as the ruler of Assam. This is the first time I've ever seen a squirrel snuggle up to a squirrel in a cage  God gave him a sword and said, "If you can't win the war, you will have to suffer the death penalty."  A large Assamese army led by Bir Lachit and under the supervision of Minister Atan Budhagohani marched on Guwahati.  The battle of  took place between the Assamese army and the Mughal army  The Mughals did not chase assamese army.

 The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb received the news and sent Ramsingh Senapati Pati to conquer Assam.  The Assamese army, however, outnumbered the Mughal army in terms of numbers and weapons of war.  In North Guwahati, there was a small-scale war.Fearing an attack by Mughal forces on the south side of Louisville, Lachi commissioned his mother-in-law to build a fort at Sharaighat within the night.  The Assamese army was on its way to sleep last night to watch the  construction work.  Asked why he was sleeping on the couch, Momayek said, "And what can I do? All worker are take rest." Ahom Commander Lachit Barphukan very angry when hear it and he cut the head . He says that  one person not greater than nation.Seeing this horrible scene, all the soldiers became alert. The  assamese army  completes the work of God in the middle of the night, seeing the extremity of Lachit.  As a result, the invasion of thousands of Mughal armies the next day failed.  This fort (gor)  is still known as Momai Kata Gor

 The Mughal army finally reached Luitadi Ujai, unable to enter the area.  The Assamese army on both sides of the river, when they saw the diseased body rising in Lachi, sank the boat in the middle of the river.  Louis was able to get out of one boat and cross another

 The famous battle of Sharaighat took place between the Mughals and the Ahoms in 1671 AD.  This battle is known as the Battle of Sharaighat.

 In this battle, the Mughals were defeated due to the indomitable courage and patriotism of Lachit Barfukan.

 The courage and patriotism shown by Lachit Barpukan is an inspiration to the new generation.  This ideal is eternal.

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