
Hot Spices: Natural Qualities and Features|Hot Spice Name And PictureGarlicTurmeric


Hot spices

Hot spices not only enhance the taste or flavor but also have many natural qualities, so it is benefits for our body. However, it also has side effects. Whether it is vegetarian or non-vegetarian, one cannot think of indian food without the indignant. It is help to add a unique dimension to the taste of any food.It is very useful to reduce the pain or swelling of any part of the body and also useful for diabetics.

These spices are full of antioxidants and very useful for skin problems.

Hot species is  beneficial for human body

 With the change of seasons, there is a problem of getting cold.During the monsoon season, many people suffer from hunger problems.They do not have any appetite at that time.

             This flavor is also have some side effects and excessive use can lead to piles, HDT and liver problems.

 Hot spices Natural Qualities and Features|Hot Spice Name And Picture



 Turmeric heals the liver. It cures toxins during menstruation. Raw turmeric juice eliminates urinary incontinence. Turmeric juice can be used to relieve biliary diseases. It is anti-biliary.Yellow is the root of the medicinal properties of antiseptic for the body.

Turmeric is a very good medicine for diabetics.A cup of turmeric juice on an empty stomach for all diabetics is very helpful in relieving the disease.

 Turmeric oil can be used to treat various skin diseases including itchy scalp.

 Turmeric juice eliminates worm problems and protects the liver.

  Turmeric juice can be used to treat gas problems.

 The poison is removed by breaking the hand or applying turmeric powder in the mucus canal.

   Applying turmeric powder on wood asinine will get rid of the problem of wood asinine in a few days.  Turmeric powder can be used to relieve headaches or watery fevers.

 Raw turmeric powder with more poisons is added to it.  And what are the qualities of turmeric.


Onion: - Onion is the king of spices. It destroys the germs of various diseases. Onion cleans our esophagus. It is very useful for mouth breath and aslo  useful for malaria. 

The role of onion in the treatment of diseases

  •  Onions increase digestion
  •  Red onion eliminates insomnia with     regular diet
  • Tooth decay is prevented in raw onion canal
  •  If regular consumption   prevent diabetes.
  •  Regular consumption of red onion cures   anemia
  •  People with heart disease can prevent   heart disease by eating a raw onion   regularly.
  •  It is very beneficial in lowering cholesterol   despite the problem of high blood   pressure
  • The spices is very useful for heartburn,   acid reflux, piles problems, malaria fever,   cough etc.
  •  Applying onion juice on the scalp can   provide relief
  •  Onions contain antioxidants which can   prevent cancer.
  •  Regular consumption of raw or sliced ​​   onions increases the eyesight
  •  In case of nausea, chewing raw onion can   be beneficial
  •  Onion regularly enhances memory.
  •  Raw onion reduces appetite, increases   digestion
  •  If there is a tingling sensation in the neck,   it is beneficial to mix raw onion juice in   water and cool it.
  •  It's juice can be used to soothe itchy, itchy, sore skin.
  • The raw of hot spices onions are rich in sulfur which is a good medicine for the liver.
  • In case of hair removal, feeding, etc., raw  juice can be extracted and applied on the affected area.
  • Stomach poisoning, loss of digestive energy, in case of constipation, raw onion juice mixed with honey is beneficial.
  • Patients with epilepsy and paralysis  regularly benefit from onion rings
  • Raw onion juice can be used as a hair tonic as it enhances the shine of the hair, strengthens and  it contain a lot of iodine.

 In addition, onions are rich in many qualities.


 Ginger canal cures various diseases including diabetes. Ginger canal eliminates the problem of excess sweat in the body.  Ginger juice is good for gastric problems. Habits contain magnesium and zinc which keep the blood flow in the body normal. Habits cure phytochemicals, alkaloids, sulphites and antioxidants.


 Garlic:Nehru has many qualities. If you use Nehru to make any food,then Nehru makes that food delicious.Nehru is useful in case of high blood pressure and heart disease.

Cumin-Seed : - It is a very useful spice ingredient. It has contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities. The ingredent increases sperm count, strengthens bones,increases digestion and increases vision and blood cells.

Black Pepper
Black Pepper

 Black Pepper : If we are eat, it helps to remove any toxins from our body, pain and head toxins, it can be use to increases the fertility , Controls diabetes, prevents cancer, cures heart disease, asthma and viral infection.


  Coriander is a good medicine for anemia. It is very good for bronchitis and heart disease and very useful for stomach ailments, indigestion, dizziness and nausea.

Dry chilli
Dry Chilli

 Dry chilli is an essential spice. If it is not jalakiya, it does not taste like fish meat or vegetables. It is a medicinal fish.The tonsils are healed when they are taken out of the mouth with a watery mouthful. The raw watery body is a nutritious food for the body.


Bay leaf
Bay Leaf

Bay Leaf :Tamarind contains a variety of food elements and medicinal properties. In case of colds, coughs, fevers, red tea can be given with the help of mild tea leaves.



Cardamom: Cardamom increases digestion.It eliminates the problem of high blood pressure.Cardamom contains Vitamin C, Iron, Manganese, Potassium, Riboflavin and Nirachin and Minerals.


Cinnamon: Cinnamon relieves toxins in the body. Cinnamon improves cholesterol and nausea. Reduces diabetes. Beneficial for heart disease.  It increased brain working ability.

How Much Get Benefits From Cinnamon:

 Cinnamon is a very useful medicinal plant  that we use as a spice.  Cinnamon is rich in Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Vitamin-A, Chi, E, K etc.

 # The use of cinnamon boosts the body's immune system.

 # Due to its anti-oxidant properties, cinnamon helps prevent infections and viruses.

 # The use of cinnamon inhibits the formation of cancer cells in the body.

 # A teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed in the diet of a diabetic patient lowers the blood sugar level in the body.

 # Half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder taken on an empty stomach regularly with a cup of hot water helps in controlling high blood pressure.

 # Mix two teaspoons of honey juice with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder to reduce bad cholesterol.  The heart is protected.

 # Mixing cinnamon powder with honey juice or butter enhances memory, helps in keeping the brain healthy.

 # Boil cinnamon and rinse with that water to get rid of bad breath and keep teeth healthy.

 # Cinnamon can be used to prevent wind fever.

 # Helps reduce obesity.
 # Maintains good skin tone.  Prevents       allergy problems.

 # TB, Hapani etc. are very useful for respiratory problems.

 # Cinnamon tea mixed with ginger and honey has medicinal properties.


 Clove: - The indigent beneficial for the body. Adding to food makes it palatable and strengthens the bones.

 It's used in Ayurvedic medicine as an excellent herbal medicine. Clove are rich in Iron, Calcium, Fiber, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Vitamin-A, Chi, E, K etc.

Medicinal properties of clove

  • clove plant with anti-oxidant properties boosts the body's immune system. 
  • Protects against infectious diseases with  anti-bacterial properties.

  •  Increases liver function.
  •  Strengthens the bone structure of the   body.
  •  Lange controls the amount of sugar in    the  blood.  Beneficial for diabetics.
  •  Strengthens the digestive system,   increases digestion, eliminates gas,   HDT.
  •  Eliminates bad breath.
  •  It is beneficial in scalp poisoning.Two-   three clove chewing gum can also be   used.We are oftenly uses clove oil for   teeth.
  •  clove tea helps relieve stress.
  •  The use of lungs is very beneficial in cold-   cough-fever.
  •  Boil the dinghy in hot water and rinse it   with that water to get relief.
  •  Repeated hiccups, nausea and vomiting   can be helpful.
  •  clove oil benefits for our ear poisoning

 In case of asthma disease, it is beneficial to boil 5/6 hours of long 30 gm of water in cold water and mix it with honey.

Regular use of one or two clove , clove tea is very beneficial for our body.



 Nutmeg: Nutmeg contains vitamins, antioxidants and essential minerals for health. Increases digestion. Reduces excess gas in the body and is also beneficial for hair.


Fenugreek: Methi contains a compound called trigonalin which is beneficial for diabetics. fenugreek is very useful in depression. aljira is one of the most sought after spices in the kitchen. It has many useful qualities.

It is contains minerals like Calcium, Iron, Sodium, Iron, Manganese, Zinc and Selenium.

 It also contains vitamins  like A, B1, B2, C .

The seeds act as antioxidants and help in reducing body weight and cadaver circumference.

Black cumin seed
Black cumin seed

 Black cumin-seed: Black cumin seeds has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties so its oil can also be used against skin problems like acne, blemishes and dullness.

  It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that act as a natural toxin.

  The antioxidant properties of kaljirat help reduce liver damage and prevent infections.

  It is aslo uses of black cumin seeds for weight loss and it's helps in lowering the level of blood cholesterol and thus helps in reducing the chances of cardiovascular disorders.

        Drink a cup of tea mixed with black cumin seeds twice a day before meals to calm the nerves and relieve tension.

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